Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First and last and always

If you know me, you know that I heart tacos. <insert Forrest Gump-esque monologue on the myriad ways to prepare tacos here> They're a go-to meal for my family, because boring meat + boring veg + random shit left in the fridge = un-boring tacos, but when I want to gussie it up a bit but not expend much time or effort, I reach for one of two Rick Bayless recipes. This is one of them, my first foray into Bayless-dom, memorially-reconstructed from a long-ago cookbook-aisle trolling expedition at Border's, originally from (I think) Mexican Kitchen, and carries the distinction of being One of Two Ways I Will Voluntarily Eat Steak. Bonus: the sauce freezes really well, so make extra.

--Broil 6 tomatillos, 4 garlic until black and squishy
--Puree w/ cumin, salt, 2-3 chipotles
--Grill steak; slice into strips
--Grill or saute 1 bell pepper, 1 onion
--Combine meat, veg in pan; add sauce, 3 min
--Add 1 C beef broth; reduce, 8-10 min
--Serve on grilled corn tortillas
--Top with cheese, avocado, crema, lime, cilantro

One of the major perks of this recipe is that the leftovers--should you, for some unimaginable reason, not invoke the Taco Rule (1)--are fricking amazing the next day, with scrambled eggs and refritos

One of the major drawbacks of this recipe is that I always forget how easy they are to make. Dorian loves them, but Dorian loves any meal that is Difficulty: 10 / Messiness: 10 / Frugality: 0 / Time Consumption: 1,000,000. Ipso facto, I generally ignore his food requests. These steak tacos, however, are easy, cheap, and quick enough that I can make them after work. They require a single pan (2), one knife, one cutting board, and one cheese grater--though if I crumbled some queso fresco instead, I could excise that last bit. PLUS, the leftovers.

Remind me to make this more often.


(1) Michelle, my personal food-blogging hero and the genius behind Thursday Night Smackdown, is responsible for codifying and recording the Taco Rule. Many of you probably already observe the Taco Rule, but didn't know how to formally recognize this fact. Michelle has kindly taken care of that for you here.

(2) To be extra lazy and environmentally un-friendly, I broil the tomatillos in a little pan I make of aluminum foil instead of using a broiler pan, which I own but which requires washing. Also, I cut up all the toppings and place them on paper towels instead of in photogenic Williams-Sonoma glass nesting bowls, which I also own but which also require washing. (3)

(3) This is why you will never, NEVER see a photograph of my mise en place. Should I ever post such a photo, you may be assured that it is A Lie, Contrived For The Benefit Of Dorian's Camera.

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